I'm blogging from Room 306 in Elmwood right now. This has become one of the places that I go to hang out with the girls that are my friends. It's Deanna and Alisha's room, and it's on the other side of the hall from Andrea and I's room.
These girls are loud, hilarious, and wonderful. We talk about everything, are free to fart around each other, and never get any homework done. We stay up late every night.
These girls, plus Monica, from Cedarwood, Grace from the room next to Andrea's and mine, and Mike, "Bodner" from the floor below all go to lunch when we can and hang out as much as we can. We do random things like camp out in the Commons while being hyper. or go get piercings after going to the mall.
We go to the den and common grounds when we don't need to. We eat everyone's food. We go shopping as a group to Walmart, Staples, Barnes & Noble, and Starbucks.
Last Friday we went to Ruby Tuesdays as a smaller group and ate good food. We put our cell phones in the middle of the table, and we prayed for our food and ate good food.
It has been great.
Yesterday Jamie had a bible study and I went to it. She talked about Hosea and his prosititute wife. I thought of some really good statements.
--It's more acceptable in our culture to not believe in God than to be sexually unfaithful. People are more shunned if they have cheated on someone because it's human to human contact/relationship, and it's more real. If someone doesn't believe in God of have a relationship with God, it's accepted as a belief and then not thought of otherwise. In Hosea, God was referring to the relationship between Israel and him as a adulterous relationship. In this country, we SHOULD feel like not following God is the worst sin, but somehow it's lost in the distractions of the world. The money and the sex itself and we don't even think about God in the scheme of all things.
--Sex is the closest way to know someone. Jesus is our bridegroom and he's waiting for us, to have this relationship that is so close and so wonderful. When we have sex with someone, we share the closest bond possible with another human being. So when someone cheats on another and has sex with another person, the bond is severely severed and there isn't, couldn't be the same anymore. Serious forgiveness and rethought thoughts have to be gone through. Most couples that have cheated on one another have to go through serious marital counseling. So when God is our God and we love him, but we get distracted by the world and do not love Him or give Him what He deserves, then it's cheating on God. It's the worst thing you can do in the relationship. God loves you so so much and it's horrible for Him when we walk away to see if there are better things out there. But although God hates it when we walk away, he takes us back, though broken, with open arms. That's how much he loves us. Even when we cheat on God, he takes us back every time, no matter how many times we leave and come back, we are still accepted.
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