Monday, November 14, 2016

Waiting waiting waiting

We made an offer on a house nearby. They accepted the offer. We had the inspection done. Now we are waiting to do a few more things. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Limbo is a fierce place to be. We don't need to be out of our current place until after we sign for closing.

Waiting. For a dishwasher. and a garbage disposal.
Waiting. For a bedroom for each child.
Waiting. For a first floor exit to a fenced yard.

Mom is starting her third week of radiation and chemo today. But we have still so many weeks left. Everyone is enduring with her. Can't it be December 9th already--when Marie will be home to help and we will be upon the week of closing, When we will have only a few weeks left until Christmas.

When will my Christmas music CDs get here!?!

When will my cravings for packing all be fulfilled and everything in boxes and ready to enter a trailer to our new home?

Anyway.... it's just like waiting for the end of the semester, although I haven't thought about it in that way for many years.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

More Stress, More peace

I'm standing here, day-dreaming about our future house. Hoping--hoping that it will be the one with the yard and the basement, three adequate rooms and a dishwasher in the kitchen. Nearby enough that sweet Naisa can continue to do preschool and we can still go to the church community that I have knitted myself into.

I am praying for a smooth transition into a new home. It's time to get out of the rocky sharp situation that we are in now. We have to be out of our apartment by the 3rd of December, for reasons somewhat substantiated, but mostly fabricated by the landlord. This is beyond frustrating and stressful.

We always knew we wanted to buy a house. We even thought about doing it earlier this fall, but then put it off because we wanted to pay for some debt. But then we received a notice, unexpected, because we had found a good balance with our neighbor that is below us, having issues with the children's noise. But yet we received this notice. So we started shopping vigorously.

God is good. I have his peace. I have his strength. And I have His restraint to not allow my mouth to go off, although I should process with someone who has counseling experience. We are choosing to be meek and not weak. We are choosing to allow injustice to happen to us though we could go to court and settle something in our favor. God is good.