Friday, February 21, 2014


A couple weeks ago, I posted on my birth club on Babycenter: where's everyone measuring? An I saw other second time moms who were in similar boats as me, so I had no worries about twins. 

When I was still measuring big at my midwife appointment, and they showed interest, that was the first time I had thought about twins since earlier. But until then I had only had kicks at the bottom of my uterus that I'd been noticing. 

So, when there begun kicks at the top of my uterus, first separate from the bottom ones, then at the same time, I was starting to be convinced. 

And, I popped again. I look much bigger then I did a couple weeks ago. And my appetite is ridiculous. I have eaten 500 to 700 calorie snacks in the early morning because I couldn't make it to breakfast. My belly button is much shallower at this point than it was with Naisa's pregnancy. 

So, although we don't have an answer yet, as in, an ultrasound or even a Doppler, we are becoming convinced. we plan to use the Doppler at our next appointment in mid March as confirmation. With the amount of growth occurring as it is, I won't be surprised. 
And that is mostly uterus. It's like three inches above my belly button.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

UGH- Pregnancy Weight Gain

Nobody likes gaining weight, especially in our culture. Especially me, especially because I'm already carrying weight from last pregnancy that I just couldn't kick after Naisa was born (I suspect I needed to do a detox, and was never given the chance between breastfeeding and becoming pregnant again).

But here I am hopelessly hungry in the middle of the night, during the day, all day. I drink lots of water and take my vitamins. I avoid sweet things most of the time. And you can't avoid carbs if you need energy to chase children around.

I just hope it levels out, and I don't gain over forty pounds this time. I gained over fifty pounds with Naisa. 
But, if there are twins, there may not be any leveling out....

Friday, February 14, 2014

New song: Let it Shine

Your Glory shines in the light
Your Glory shines through the dark
May Your Glory shine through me

I am blind, I am deaf. 
I am only a mess
But you still see, You still love me

Give praise in this place
Give glory to Your face

Father, my King
Humble me
In my iniquity
Let me love only Your way
Let it shine, let it shine!
Your love for the blind 
And searching hearts like mine
You are God, You are my vine.

Insert awesome piano ness here. 

We're pregnant again.

Now, we're 21 weeks! Wow. That was fast. :)

I have been feeling kicks a lot more often lately. :) the past few days, especially. They have been all over my uterus, not just in the bottom right quadrant. I am enjoying this a lot! I have lots of energy- I made bread, lactation cookies, and shepherds pie on Wednesday. And then I went to bed at eight. But that's how it goes.
I have continued to workout four to five times a week with T- Tapp. It has been a great workout to do during pregnancy. And not just great because I actually do it, but because it helps with my neck aches from bad sleep and I have had no round ligament pain or hip pain since the middle of the first trimester.Plus, I discovered the exercise called awesome legs, and its helping my maternity pants fit better! I always gain weight in my legs and hips, especially during pregnancy. I am hoping it helps me curb my weight gain for this second half of the pregnancy. With Naisa, it signed thirty pounds after 20 weeks... I would love to gain only twenty more for the rest of the pregnancy. But we'll see. Interesting things have been brewing. I can't wait to see what the next few weeks' growth shows. We are measuring at 24.5 and 25 weeks at our 20 week appt. last week. I asked if it could be because its my second pregnancy and one of the midwives said that in her practices, moms always measured similar to their previous pregnancies. I measured right on with Naisa until the end. 

So I, though not my husband, am contemplating the possibility that we could have twins (EXCITING), we could be due earlier (much less exciting), I could have a large cyst in my womb (awful), or I could just be measuring big. But hmmmm.... I like to think if the other options... Particularly the twin one. 

What an adventure that would be. And I was doing some research of other moms pregnancies and their births, and I realized how much more monitoring that they do during twi pregnancies and births.... 

And of course it bugged me. Twins are not always high risk. 
I personally want to deliver naturally even if the baby is breech because I have a "generous" pelvis. (Naisa was born (pushed 1/2 an hour in the steamy relaxing water bath) with no issues and a "skid" of a tear. She was 9lb 3oz. ) I feel like I could do anything. 

The only reasons I would find it necessary to get a c-section would be a placenta previa, a cord prolapse, and possibly a stubborn transverse baby that would turn. ( and there may be more that I am unaware of, but i am not thinking if them now.)

it's funny it's Valentines day today. I blogged about very different things in the past years. 

So, as we unthaw from the winter storm, take a date break, I am going to treasure up these things. I had a hard time treasuring my last pregnancy, so right now, I'm treasuring my little girl, my husband, and my bouncing womb. 

Blessings on your day!