Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My T-Tapp adventures from the past month! + Reasons to T-Tapp during pregnancy!

I am "full term" on Friday (so I will be 39 weeks). I did some adventurey things in the past month!

 It all started when I shared this photo of myself on the T-Tapp Support page on facebook at the beginning of July.

I was just sharing how thankful I was for having the T-Tapp workout to consistently do during pregnancy. This workout doesn't break your body down, it makes it get stronger without too much muscle ripping. :) (I still get sore and I still lose inches, but my adrenals are not fatigued the next day and I want to do it!)

So I shared it on facebook at the beginning of July, and later that evening, I got a call (on Sunday) from a number I didn't recognize. I thought it was a telemarketer, so I didn't answer, but when I got a voicemail, I obliged and listened to it. It was Teresa Tapp (the creator of the T-Tapp workout) calling me from her cell phone (!), telling me how impressed she was with my progress/results, and that she had a game plan and to call her back. I was shocked and elated.

"Ben! Teresa Tapp just called me!!"
"So call her back!"

So I called her back and she invited me to come to Florida at the beginning of August to be a part of a  pregnancy-specific T-Tapp workout VIDEO. And to stay for the annual T-Tapp retreat that she held at the local spa hotel.


I couldn't believe it.

Ben and I looked at the timing, and originally we thought I would already be 36 weeks and it wasn't going to quite line up. But then. Then! I was Skyping Marie because I was so excited. And she was really encouraging me to make it work and go even though it would be late in my pregnancy. And I looked at the dates again--and I wasn't right-- it was 35 weeks at the beginning of August. So, while Naisa or Yonah talked to Marie, I called Teresa back and said YES I COULD come!

I got my midwife's permission (and blessing!) to fly and then I called my Aunt Rosie and asked her if she wanted to come to be my travel buddy. She said she hadn't planned a vacation and was planning to do so soon and that this was perfect timing.

Then I spend the month of July not getting too excited in case anything would change with my pregnancy. But everything went smoothly! I got a couple emails from Imal, Teresa's publicist, who got my photos and then later emailed me to let me know that I was going to be filmed for the local TV station's T-Tapp Tuesday! So my adventure got even more exciting.

 Look at that photo bomb! On the airplane out

This picture is funny because I am pulling her dress at the waist so it actually has a waist! This is on the way out to the TV studio.

At the end of July Aunt Rosie flew in and the 1st of August, we flew out of our local airport and headed to Tampa Bay! We finally got there around 6:00 and got an Uber to the hotel and went to the cafe and met Teresa and the several people who were also going to be filmed for TV the next day AND the ladies who would be in the pregnancy workout video the next day. It was a big WOW and exciting thing!

The next day (Wednesday) I got up early and had my makeup done.
Then we were off in a limo (!) to the local TV station!

Teresa, Imal (Teresa's publicist), Renee (who had been T-Tapping for 18 years), Alicia (who had lost 40 pounds of menopause weight in four months and kept it off for four years), me (pregnant T-tapp!) and Chantelle, who lost 30 inches in the 60 day challenge and was a Grand Prize Winner, and of course, Aunt Rosie, my personal photographer :).

The interviews went great, we did them all in one take each. And Imal and Aunt Rosie made sure I got to try the maple bacon creme filled donut that was sitting in the green room. (It was quite interesting, and I only had half). We were all super excited/elated/adrenalined by the experience when we got in the limo to head back to the hotel. Of course, when my door unexpectedly swung open when the limo went around a turn, and I casually shut it like it was no big deal, that was quite the surprise as well!

When we got back, we were beginning to prep for the pregnancy workout video! We met the videographers and also did our professional photos for the DVD cover/promos/website promo!
That was fun (and tiring! You really hold it all in when you are doing that!!). Aunt Rosie got me some food during this time (it was lunch time!) and I ate between being needed and also got to chat with Margaret (the pregnant T-Tapp trainer who is the same age as me), Vivian (Margaret's sis in law who t-tapped through her first pregnancy and was part of the first video), and Shannon (Margaret's mom who had seven babies... including the last one at 47.5! and she T-tapped off the baby weight even then!) . They did the instructional workout first, and I took a few pictures and talked with Teresa while they did the workout. Then we started the portions I was a part of-- some with just me and Margaret, and the main workout with Margaret, Shannon, and me. It was long, it was good, we sweated, we giggled, we smiled, and when it was done we were starving and ready for dinner!!

I got the salmon that time, and Margaret and I got a cheese plate! Yum!

Thursday morning, the T-Tapp retreat started! So many enthusiastic people, so much good food. Highlights include
Hanging out with Margaret, Shannon, Dana (one of Margaret's T-Tapp friends), meeting Rebecca,
seeing Aunt Rosie learn to T-Tapp!
working out near trainers who I've only known through facebook,
meeting an Israeli T-tapper and speaking in Hebrew with her (!).
Seeing Teresa give so much love and energy to her students with a full heart.
Seeing a company with the sole goal of helping people better themselves.
Getting a prenatal massage (they had more pregnant security than the airport!)
Getting reflexology on my feetsies.
Getting holy-crap challenged in the standing workouts (I didn't really participate in the floor workouts because I was so pregnant!)
Rocking the Hoedown showdown (and then needing a nap that afternoon)
Losing several inches in my arms, ribs, and hips!
Eating more good food! Loving on people!

Aunt Rosie and I had a great time! it was crazy when Sunday morning arrived. I participated an hour of the morning workout before we got in our Uber to the airport. The security didn't last as long as week expected (we could have waited a little longer). Then we were on our way home. Rosie had to get back checked twice (which was super annoying!), but she made it home just fine, it was just a little overwhelming.

We had received these two huge tote bags of goodies from companies who had sent samples to T-Tapp for the retreat. Becuase I had already packed pretty light, I just decided to really smash my stuff in my bag and check the one with liquids (it turned out to be cheaper than shipping it).

That bag of goodies was gone in a week (save some toiletry items, some hot sauces, and some stevia). And every day I look for them in the snack cabinet because they were SO GOOD. But they saved me money on breakfast and snacks on the plane. And I don't eat that much snacky food, so I enjoyed it!

It was crazy coming home! Benjamen and the kids managed without me. He, in fact, upped the bar for going to the park every day! The kids said almost every day and still occasionally say, "mom, we're glad you came home on the airplane." They said it yesterday when I showed them the TV segment I was in. :)

Reasons to use T-Tapp during pregnancy!
I am now almost 39 weeks pregnant, I am still T-Tapping! It was been a wonderful workout for the entire pregnancy. I am still doing portions of workouts when I feel like it, and yesterday I did a full workout because I felt like it!)

- It has given me great posture (and if not, great knowledge of posture),
- stronger back muscles (I have not had back fat this pregnancy!),
- a WAAAY stronger core (I have subtle oblique lines on either side of my belly!),
- the only time I needed my support belt was when I was having issues with an umbilical hernia in the first and second trimesters),
- I have had NO balance issues (with my second, I had to sit in the last trimester so I wouldn't tumble over putting on shoes),
- I have a method to control my back pain (due to baby's positioning) (it's T-Tapp!!)
- I only started experiencing swelling in the past week (!) and I am also managing it! (Epsom salt baths, pregnancy tea)
- My weight gain has been much more controlled!
- I have had little to no aches and pains this pregnancy and can only complain about the challenge of getting out of bed because my belly is so large. It doesn't hurt, it's just BIG.
- My blood pressure has been ON POINT this entire pregnancy (save the one day I wasn't feeling well, and it was 130/80). I think that's related to my great workout routine!
- I have been able to lie on my back without feeling like I can't breathe. I don't do it for long periods, but it's not uncomfortable unless I put my legs in the air. I contribute this to stronger muscles in my back and abdomen.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Loss and Emotion

I've noticed some different emotions lately. It could be hormonal or it could be grief surfacing in different ways. Either way, my life is coming to a season I know well, but Mom isn't here. Mom isn't here to come when the baby is born, to be joyful with me in this time of new life and that is so hard.

I really want you to be here, Mom!

This time last year the kids went for a week with Mom and Dad in Ohio. Then we did a mini adventure when Marie's choir was performing in NYC. We didn't have a clue what was coming within the next month and a half.

This has been the hardest year of my life.

All we could do was pray for God's triumph over the cancer in Mom's brain. It broke my heart when she started changing and when the kids noticed and made comments. It broke my heart when I had to tell them that she was dying and wasn't going to be here anymore. It breaks my heart now that she won't know this baby earth-side. and that my sweet Yonah probably won't remember anything he didn't see in a video or a picture.

My young Mama fought so hard but her body was too tired.

Pregnancy dreams knock me off my feet sometimes. Often they take alternative routes, the possibles of what could have been. In this one, Mom was alive, her body working, but her mind going. I can't decide which is worse, the body going first or the mind going first. Both are painful, especially so soon. These dreams are vivid and often I cannot sleep again quickly after them. I was trying to figure out where in Wauseon they could put a dog park in Mom's memory.

We listened to Mom's memorial service for the first time since we were there two weeks ago, at the Engle reunion. It sucks to be reminded that she has gone home to Jesus and I'm still here. It was hard for Mom not to be there at the reunion. It's been hard for me that Mom isn't just a phone call away or a days' drive away. Because we lived so far away, it can be easier to forget that she isn't coming to visit in a month. We've got a long way to go before we'll gather at the river together.

I've noticed fears of people close to me dying, especially when they aren't nearby.

My children are visiting Ben's parents right now. The what-if's impale me emotionally and I have to very intentionally give my control to God. But I feel the same way about Ben, who is here with me, and about this baby, who is inside of me still. And I keep remembering that God is in control. His ways are higher than mine and even if I only get so many years with my children or my husband or my sisters or my father, His grace is sufficient for me. But it's so much harder to say that when I have already experienced the devastating loss of Mom.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Pregnancy #3: 30 week update

Besides most family voting that I am having a girl this time (and myself.. I can sleep through the night most nights without a snack, and I am not eating humungous portions! But we may be surprised!), reaching thirty weeks has helped me realize something--how much exercise has SERIOUSLY made a difference. From everything I did from the time Yonah was born to everything I have done so far during this pregnancy, I am stronger, recovering quicker, and I am not complaining about a single thing about this pregnancy.

Random factoids of being 30 weeks:
Sleep is ok most of the time, and good some of the time.
I do not have heartburn (though I didn't have it with my other two) .
I do not have any swelling (I definitely had this with my other two!).
I am losing my belly button (significantly more than I even have).
I can see my oblique lines on either side of my belly (this has never happened).
The other day at the store when I was fetching my shopping cart I accidentally knocked it over (there was nothing in it).. when I realized that it had fallen over, I said "oops!" and then picked it up... with one arm. I think that perhaps the employee walking over to help me with the cart was a bit surprised.
I continue to do twenty-minute to thirty-minute workouts (T-tapp only. I had been walking, but it got hot and I got out of the routine.) on an almost daily basis.
I eat LOTS of eggs (courtesy of my friend Shelah's happy healthy chickens), but I don't have meat every day.
I am still teaching 2 hours of English every week (so I get up early two days a week).
I find myself on my feet for several hours a day doing various tasks (main task: keeping my husband fed!)
I don't "feel" pregnant (uncomfortable, fatigued, heavy, annoyed at everything) most of the day... when we have a hot day, I reach that point a little sooner, and really appreciate that we have an efficient air conditioner for sleeping!
I have gained weight! In essence, my body has grown a 3.5lb-ish human so far! Baby will be packing it on in the next two months (and hopefully I don't! LOL), but it will be ok if I gain some more weight. Because I AM eating healthy. I am exercising and hydrating. I am doing self-care.
I have an appointment today. Looking forward to it!

And there is something VERY exciting in the works for the beginning of August!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Thoughts on adding baby number three

I am focusing on self care post baby.
This us something that could easily become a back burner with two kids who gave needs and schedules and also a husband! (After he goes back to work.) I have been preparing herbal sitz baths, ordered supplements to help with post birth contractions and an herbal /hormone balancing tincture. I have made pregnancy tea that I have been drinking diligently, because it helps with hydration and I call it my happy tea. I have been going through spurts of preparing soups and other foods for the freezer for after the baby comes.
There's no room for "pregnancy brain."
I have a house to keep up with and a kitchen to maintain. My mind is as sharp or more sharp now than before pregnancy. It helps that we now live in our own home and there is peace in knowing. It helps that the kids have their own rooms and space (although they still seem to play right next to me ad much as possible.) it also helps that I don't feel so out of control in my body from weight gain and swelling, I don't have much swelling-- maybe some today since it was 90 degrees in the house before we got the air conditioner fixed. The heat slowed my focus some... and the sleep deprivation caused by the heat. But now all is well and we will sleep loads better tonight.
I cannot push too hard at any point during the day.
I still have to sing the kids to bed. I still have to instruct them to take naps or use the potty... I can't push too hard with exercise or working in the heat because I could become much too exhausted to do much more than sit at the computer or read "the two towers" for the rest of the day.
I need quiet time.
I realized this a bit more last week when I had been drinking completely caffeine free coffee for s couple days, had slept in, but in doing so, had everyone in the family wake up at the same time as me, walk down the stairs with me and talk almost constantly that I realized I was unable to focus or think clearly without one of two things: caffeine or substantial quiet time. I have added back half caff and that helps, but also have been getting up before my family most days?(because I cannot sleep any longer)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Week 28, Preggs #3

My radar for handling any sort of blogging in the past while hasn't been what it used to be. I'm aware of that. Sometimes I'll think of things to write, but most of the time I'm too dry from my emotional processes and to busy being active in the present (and in the kitchen) to think about taking time to write something. But if I make it through this entire pregnancy with only occasional facebook updates about my life then I will regret it in a couple of years when I have forgotten my mindset, and how I handled things.

We are 28 weeks and a couple days here. Still due September 1st. I have gained about thirty pounds, which I consider just fine. I step on the scale at the midwives' office and I am surprised it went up, but not surprised because I know my belly's growing and no other part of my body is shrinking. It's going somewhere! I measure a little ahead, like with Yonah's pregnancy. We have still not had an ultrsound and still do not know the gender. I am happy with that decision because I do like surprises and mysteries!! :) For the record, most of the time I think that there is only one baby, and I think it's a girl. (this is mainly based on my appetite compared to Yonah's pregnancy).

I am happy there are only "twelve" (ish) weeks left... so my maximum weight gain isn't completely ridiculous!! There's only a few extra inches here and there on my legs and hips anyway.... I am SO not worried about postpartum "bouncing back (more like slowly getting up after having a wipeout)". I still have a pair of size 14 pants that I wear places (they are low rise), but as the baby's head gets bigger (and more comfortable in my pelvis, this is getting uncomfortable. My wedding rings still fit, which is saying something, since the possibility of swelling is quite available considering the fact that it's summer. But somehow I have negated swelling so far.

I get the whole summer to be pregnant!!!!!

Isn't that great???

For this reason, my garden contains tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and one squash plant that is either butternut or spaghetti (the mystery!!). I did not want to pick green beans every day. But the exchange of space means there are weeds. That I papered and straw-ed, we will see if this continues to be effective.  . . thoughts on gardening in development clay... I mean soil.... If I have maximum energy and motivation, I will do a green manure (buckwheat then dig it in) in the fall before the frost but after everything is done.  A lot of gardening decisions better next years' garden.

I feel like this is my best pregnancy. I got an ice cream maker for my birthday, and maybe you think that would make me make worse choices... but it actually saves money and makes better choices!! because I have a firm excuse to not buy ice cream at the store--I can make it at home, and I do. My kids like it because it's so good. I like it because I am hot as heck right now and it's a fun alternative to a smoothie.

I don't feel super huge--definitely smaller than when I was pregnant with Yonah. Definitely exercising more, definitely eating very clean and not out of control. I have been drinking my herbal tea very frequently--almost everyday, and it is an excellent addition to my day. It keeps me hydrated and also nourished-- it has raspberry leaf, catnip, nettles, alfalfa, dandelion root, and this time around, chamomile.

We have a great path in our neighborhood for walking around--I can do a mile loop, completely lined with homes and with sidewalk and slow moving cars the whole time. It's great because it's all very close to home the entire time, so I easily can let myself do a mile and go home, no big deal. I love that. I haven't walked this past week, but I do have interest in going when it's cooler!! (maybe at 6am tomorrow...)

Sleeping hasn't always been fun... depending on my activity level, I sleep great, but I'm up at 6 most days and some days way earlier, just because my body wakes up and refuses to return to rest even though I am tired.

I get kicked a lot--there is lots and lots of movement, and some evenings I feel my upper stomach stretching and growing, which is wearying but expected. I will not complain about a single thing! I feel excellent, we have a healthy baby growing, and we are very blessed.

It will be interesting to compare belly shots from Yonah's pregnancy in two weeks, at thirty weeks.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

It's hard to put it all into words

Mom's been in heaven for three months and eighteen days.

We said goodbye for now on the first of the year, a little after twelve noon. This was after falling into a sleeping coma three days before Christmas, and being at home in hospice a little less than a week. We cared for her and sat with her, sang to her and cried with her for those last days.

Nothing is harder than saying goodbye much sooner than you expected. Even with the cancer, she had just finished her radiation treatment and we were preparing for an upturn of her health, energy, emotions.

A few days before she went on, we got to see a beautiful phenomenon called the 'burst of energy'. For Mom, that meant she was responding to us some. Still through a tight jaw, sometimes hard to understand, but we heard words, felt hand squeezes, and were able to respond to her needs and not just guess. It is so hard to talk when tears are constant, but we were able to say things that we needed to. I told Mom I was going to miss seeing her so often (she would come visit us sometimes once a month for a day or two), and I was going to miss her help and support, her presence when the next baby came. (We had found out that we were expecting again on Christmas day).

Aunt Rosie came in the last three days and we were able to have her there, to add to the conversation and give us love while we were grieving, and also because she felt it just as strongly as we did. Marie had been home since the beginning of December, and Anna made it home on Christmas day. Ben, the kids, and I made it to Ohio on the day before Christmas eve. We were all there together.

As Easter came this past Sunday. I was hit hard with deep emotion early in the morning, as the sky was lightening with dawn not far away, of Christ triumphantly walking out of the tomb. Of his sacrifice for us, for me, so that death is not the end. I cried tears of thankfulness to our God for the gift of His love to us. We were Chosen to be Holy. We were dearly loved enough for Him to sacrifice his son for our sake. My grief is heavy, but I have our Lord's promise that I will see Mom again. I feel peace, even through tears, that I will see her again.

Thank you Jesus, for your sacrifice.