Thursday, February 25, 2010

Handling the Truth

Wednesday's class at BCC was so difficult. Colman is still teaching Animal rights, and one of the videos he showed was about where animals stand, in aspects of pets, and ranch hunting, and more. The ranch hunting was hard enough to watch. They had footage of the man killing to Bighorned sheep in the gut rather than in the head because if he shot it in the head, it would ruin the "trophy" that he was putting on his wall. After that, they showed footage from an American event where they shoot pigeons for fun, and smoke cigarettes, drink beer, and listen to country music. 
They then talked about pets, and how important they were to some people, and how some people use animals for their needs (one woman had MS, and had a dog that would assist her with what she was doing, another man was paralyzed from the neck down, and had a monkey who could everything he needed. )
They started talking about how pets helped calm people down and act better, and I started thinking about Baby, my cat who was hit by a car last semester and died while I was at school, and how much I missed him, and how much I want a pet in the house, or at least one that I can interact with on a regular basis. So I was kind of emotional when the video switched to Asia, where they were harvesting cats for food. I was disgusted and I wanted to leave the room, and was about to because my head was spinning with thoughts stimulated by images of animals we have as pets being tortured and killed. It is so frustrating because I'm already a vegetarian, I already care so much about these animals, and it's SO HARD to know what goes on out there. 
I was walking back to the metro to head over to Wilson, and I saw a dark purple stain on the sidewalk. It could have been jello, or a spilled slushie, but all I saw was gore. 
To make matters more interesting, when I got to Wilson, I was disoriented because I didn't feel that great to begin with, and I had to go through the freaking metal detector twice because I left my coat on and still be scanned with the metal detecting rod thing. I still don't know what metal that thing picked up because the security guard told me that it doesn't pick up my tongue stud. So I got through security, and then just as I walked in through the second door, another security guard said, "Where you going? You gotta pass?" I showed him it, and stated where I was going, and THEN he smiled and said, "I'm just kidding." AHHH
So I got to class, and Colman wasn't there yet, and one of the students who is referred to as "Gorgeou$" (spelled that way) asked me how I was, and I told him straight up. 
It just wasn't my day. Colman arrived a little later, and started this video about Joe Giuretto, who was convicted for murdering and raping two women, but the evidence was obvious that it wasn't him. He was on Death Row but was pardoned. The previous governor was going to pardon him, but he decided on the last day in office that he would leave it to the next governor, who was pro-death penalty. 
It was frustrating to hear the story and know that Colman talks to this guy and recently got a letter from him that was suicidal.
So it was an interesting day. In addition, I couldn't just come home and relax--we had class. I made it through class--we went on a field trip to meet one of the authors of one of the essays we read in our reading this week, and then went home. As the day progressed, I started feeling sicker and sicker, and knew I had a cold coming on. Yesterday there was a little girl that had a runny nose that hugged me a couple times, but there could be one thousand reasons. 
I watched Anchorman (Steve Carrel was my favorite character. But I don't think I'm going to watch it again.) and I knitted away a storm, and then they turned the Olympics on. I went to bed around ten. 
It was really frustrating to wake up this morning with a sore throat and know that I wouldn't be able to go to Garrison because I wouldn't want to make contact with the kids and that would be what was going on.
I'm working on getting Greyhound tickets to go to Harrisburg for part of my spring break. Ironically, there isn't any more of a discount that you can get, despite buying the student discount card, for the 21-day before deal. Meh.

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