Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm going to tell it like it is.

I found a new way for my wacked up sleep schedule to deal with itself.
I'm knitting a blanket.
I watched Casino Royale.
But it really doesn't help that the homies are watching something on the TV like it's the afternoon.
My stomach would have shot me dead if it had a gun today. Not sure what the anger's all about, but it's been hustling my comfort for the past seven hours. Eating should be fun, not cramping my style.
I'm not too bad at beer pong.
Or making peanut butter brownies.
But really it's the company that matters, not the food (which was great) or the drinks (but some people just drink tea.)
Yesterday I picked up a cell phone off the sidewalk that Christa located and put it in a bowl of rice. Today I hooked it up to my charger (because I'm awesome, and I have an identical charger), and located a parent, texted them, and am going to give it back on Monday.
I sent a box of goodies to Africa today. I hope and pray that Fetsum taped the box enough that the goodies will make it to Senegal unscathed.
I hate my tummy. It feels like I'm getting the flu all over again.
Maybe I am.
And in that case, I shouldn't be around people, which I inevitably am.
It's 3:00AM. I should go to bed. I should also think about dumpster diving.
The reason I don't drink alcohol, besides the fact that I'm eighteen, is that I don't want to gain weight. I don't run or swim as much as some people. And I've seen what it does to some girls.
Another reason I didn't drink tonight is because those bottles of gin in the freezer are quite intimidating.
If I ever drink, I want it to be a good drink. Not some weird concoction that makes me want to throw up.
Casino Royale.
Why is alcohol the reason for so many parties? I need some Tums. But that is because of the Unidentified Food Object that my stomach is holding a mutiny for. Not because of the peanut butter brownies that were made at one in the morning.
MaiTri was a great time for me, other than the stomach ache. I feel like I connect better everytime I'm there. Dang it for the metro closing at midnight and it being cold.
Jess thinks my Streetsboro Soccer shirt is a bit aggressive.

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