Friday, March 19, 2010

Sick + Meds = LOOONG DAAYS

On Tuesday, I woke up not well enough to go to Garrison. I talked to Mom on the phone and she encouraged me to to go the doctor because I wasn't going to be home for two weeks, and so I complied, and asked Jess who her doctor was. I called them, and got an appointment at one in the afternoon.
Before I left, I sorted through all the spices in the cabinet and made an inventory, devised an alternative route to Bethesda in the mornings via Silver Spring, and took a shower, then I left for the doctor's office. It was off of the Forest Glen metro station, in Maryland, and when I exited, it had the most foilage I've seen in awhile. There were trees and bushes--oh hallelujah! It was peaceful and quiet, and there weren't many people there. Then I walked the 7/10ths of a mile to the doctor's office from there, which was quite a challenge for me because I was pretty tired and weak from being sick. I didn't have any trouble finding the office, and I signed in, signed some forms, and then after a five minute wait, I got my vitals taken by a nurse. This is the part that I hate--getting weighed and being told that I'm not quite 5'7" (over and over one million times).
Then I was asked about my symptoms and basically gave my family's and my own entire medical history, to the physician's assistant student (she was doing her residency for medical school). That was very interesting--I truly enjoy talking about myself and my family's medical history. It still does interest me and sometimes I wonder with all the things I've been living with--the headaches, the irregular periods, the constant fatigue, the occasional intestinal cramps--is all connected to what's going on, although not necessarily with my sinuses. I wonder if there is something that I could do that would make it all go away--if there's some vitamin deficiency that is causing all of these symptoms. The P.A. student thought that maybe I should get some blood-work done, since I have not had blood work done since sixth grade. Then she examined my nose, mouth, ears, and lungs, and said that everything was mostly fine. When the actual Physician's Assistant came in, she examined me as well, told me I didn't really have a sinus infection but some other kind of infection that was your basic bacteria growing with a virus, because the cold lasted so long. So I left the office, walked back to the metro, went straight to the CVS from the metro, and asked for my prescription.
I had to call back the doctor's office three times to ask them to resend it, only for the pharmicist who actually knew what she was doing technologically to tell me that it was on the computer and that they needed to set up an account for me. I was extremely exhausted from being sick and all, so this was emotionally challenging. Then I walked home, and was more tired. I was going to go with Emily to YSOP and help feed a free meal to the homeless again, but I realized that I should rest and stay at home and we talked for a little while about gardening, relationships, the weather (and if it was time to plant things yet), the upcoming retreat, and about going on the roof. . .
I get energy when I talk to people, because after Emily left, I went in my room and cleaned, and also organized the box that sits at the end of the table. This box has been filled with everything that has been left on the table for the past two months--various papers, books, gloves, flip flops, and hats. It was interesting because it was so easy to do. Yet no one had done it yet. But isn't that the way it is with every chore? I ate supper, and I'd like to say that I went to bed, but I didn't. I still had homework to do. And I watched Dirty Dancing. And talked to the Hazletts over Skype. And China called and told me that there was a change of plans with the movie. I went to bed at 10:30 pm. I had to get up early on Wednesday to go to Bethesda adn I obediantly took my meds--Amoxicillin and Claritin-D plus my vitamin, and then I left for BCC. I did my devotions on the metro ride and around the Judiciary Square station, a man got on the train and stationed himself at the opposite door from the one people were entering from. This is usually fine, but the train was pretty crowded, and the next station on the line opened at that door. He was standing in the way of anyone entering or exiting. A woman got on and must have muttered something about having trouble getting on because the man was there and started talking rudely back to her. Not the tone of voice or type of language that you want to hear in the morning. He said something like "I paid my fare. I can stand where I want to." But he didn't have any curtesy to those that were around him. At all. He kept coming back to it. Saying how rude she was. It just kept pissing me off. I'm all about equal rights, and this man wasn't treating her equally. So I said something. "This woman isn't being offended by you anymore. Quit talking and let it go." But as you can imagine. It didn't help anything. His sour attitude was brought back down--on me--and thankfully he shut up, and got off the car. If you can imagine--I was tired, vulnerable, and being insulted by anyone, regardless of his irrationality and probable amount of issues, I felt a bit upset and pissed off. At least he got off at Metro Centerand I didn't have to deal with him anymore. I got to BCC just in time for two very disagreed classes on cat-calling and men yelling at women on the street. I wished that I could have said more in that, because the only thing that I talked about was the guy that got out of his car and asked me if I had a boyfriend. I felt like what I said was disagreeable to how I actually felt. Then we went to Wilson High school. As I crossed the street out of the metro station, I recognized an earring in a man's ear, and realized that it was Mike, the FARM vegan animal rights expert, and he was coming to Colman's class. I walked him to the class, and then heard his story again. It was great to hear again, but I was so tired and I couldn't figure out where this immense exhaustion was coming from, and I started feeling rather depressed. This happens when I'm tired--and Wednesday was the worst day for it, because I work all morning, and then we have seminar all afternoon. There is no time for naps, or resting, or finishing a song. I got home, ate, then had to leave. We went to the Capital Building--we rode the metro there, but then we had to walk and the whole time I was thinking and wishing that we'd be done, that it would stop. We went from one place to another--first to a senator's office who supported the closing of SOA then all the way to the other side of the Capitol, where we sat in a room in a circle and head more and more and more and freaking more information about the history of Latin America and the people who went to the School of the Americas that are now human rights violators and how you get a senator or congressman to mention something and think of it's importance. In the same time, I was getting intestinal cramps and we still had to walk through an hour long tour of the Capitol which I didn't care at all about. Then i went home and decided to start on the video assignment for the next week.  It was called "Black.White." and was about two families. one black and one white, who switched races to see the difference. I decided to watch all six episodes and then went to bed at almost eleven. I'm pissed that the medicine I'm on makes me tired and messes with my stomach and intestines. On Thursday, I woke up at seven--it was too early! I needed more sleep and got ready and took a shower and left later than I meant to and got to Garrison frazzled and already tired. Luckily, Mr. Abdullah sat me down, gave me water and EmergenC packets and papers to grade. I'm not at the same energy level so much that Mr. Abdullah noticed right away when I came in the door. All the people at my house have noticed as well. Even Aly, when I was Skyping with Bekah, only saw me for a little bit and she said that I was less chipper than usual. :( I can't wait until this sickness is over. I don't want to feel weak forever. I want to go running with Emily.
We are going on a retreat this weekend. I took today off because sleep sucked last night. The sun was absolutely gorgeous and I got to lay in the sun for a long time. It felt good to have warmth on my skin.
I had more energy then. No technology this weekend. You'll hear about this later!

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