So I bought a new box of Crayola Crayons. Like a week ago. I hadn't used them until I decided to bring them to church to take notes of the Sermon. I sat with the MYF and let the three girls next to me color or take notes.
Jessica took tasteful notes on the sermon.
Jenni and Ruthie colored two different signs, each saying, "GO" and "JESS!"
Halfway through coloring the purple polka-dotted "JESS" sign, a purple crayon was broken.
Later on, I discovered the dark green had also snapped, and mourned the loss of it.
Jenni was in a fit of giggles, and proceeded to keep coloring and I was more aware of what crayons she was using.
Later on, when I was using my crayons again I found that one of the oranges was broken, and my yellow-green snapped shortly after.
So I decided to make a list of rules/ guidelines for crayons.
1. Don't color hard! They are not wooden. The crayons will break if you color at a bad angle, or if you try to get the paper the color of the crayon wax.
2. Respect the crayons. I like them. They make me happy and excited for school, so I think that they should be given some type of respect. Don't break crayons. They are made less wanted when broken. I actually wrote a poem about that.
3. Don't just doodle. Seriously color what you seriously want to.
4. Love the crayons. They are beautiful and make beautiful pictures. :)
That's all I could come up with. But Jenni, if you ever read this, remember to love the crayons, because they love you too.
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