My sister and I are leaving the day after tomorrow for Virginia, where I begin my higher education.
My mother has bought more clothes and things for me in the past three days than she ever has in her life. I'm overcome by the fact that I feel fashionable for the first time in my life and now by the fact that I feel like I have too many things that I don't need.
I know at some point I will, in fact, need them, but at this point I feel like I'm a waste of money and I waste of space in this study of this home.
The vehicle that my sister and I are taking to college is in the shop right now, and now needs some parts that will not come until the afternoon of the day which we were planning to leave in the morning. Luckily my parents are gracious enough to pay the bill.
I still have to look through my piano books to find what i'm taking to college. It's something I love but it's adding to the stack of things that I feel will take up all the space I will have in this car, not te mention my sister's as well. Just with my clothes.
To add to the stress, I'm beyond exhausted, despite having enough sleep the night before and enough exercize.
So I feel self indulging, selfish but still slightly beautiful, but in the way the Bible says not to. (the do no braid your hair part)
And I feel like the day doesn't end without a conversation with ze boy, even though we had said conversation eariler in the day because that was when the phone line was availiable.
So where am I? Stressed, exhausted, leaving in little but hours. And so Peace would be nice.
I haven't found it yet. I haven't sought it.
Thus I leave you now to sight the peace I need to function in the wretched world.
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