Friday, September 18, 2015

thoughts of thoughts

I often find myself sitting at the computer wondering what to do... since Facebook is not an option at the moment.

and I often hear a whiney voice behind me demanding things. Or someone screaming in the other room for committing offenses.

I am not spending a small amount of curiosity on 9-11, and reading a bit about it. I personally don't remember much other than the basics. four planes, four destinations.  I never watched the footage for a long period of time. A lot of people have come up with questions about eh events because there are so many questions not answered, either because it was a classified issue or just because we simply do not know, due to the mysterious nature created prior to smartphone videos of everything.

I recently raided a pile of Naisa's treasures including her "mail"--junk mail that was given to her as a toy, and three empty packets that once contained our vitamin powder (which was then poured into water), which she calls her "apple ciders" and sometimes "apple cider vinegar". So she's a little upset with me.

Ahh the battles of communication when there are not words yet in the vocabulary for it.

Recently both of the kids' water cups went into hiding. I found Naisa's, the pink one, in our bedroom, under our bed... obviously a drop off point for Yonah. But we still have yet to find his... probably hidden in a cabinet I don't normally open.

At least it only has water in it.

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