Monday, June 21, 2010

Update #6

This week was busy, but not horribly busy. I've been getting things done, and feeling like what I'm doing is  relevant for what this summer is about. Here's a couple things I was up to:

CPR training--On Thursday, we drove to Bushkill, Pennsylvania, and went to Mont Lawn Camp for CPR training. I had a great time meeting so many different awesome people. The training was intensive and good--it built up my confidence, but I hope I never have to use the skills. It was great to be in the nature and I hadn't realized how great it was to be out there again.

Training plans--We had a volunteer meeting on Wednesday, and he two people show up to listen. Mark and I did some extensive planning for what our training entailed on Friday, and it's looking good.

After-school--Spending more time with those kids. Good and frustrating at the same time. I'm getting more patient with some of them because I have been thinking about different ways to approach teaching them.

Day Off--I got a day off this week. On Monday, I went for a run, and cleaned. It was nice.

Cafeteria work--My relationships with the kids are growing. Like with after-school I'm learning different ways to relate to the kids, and get to know them better. They are great and different, and I love talking to them about their lives and what they are interested in.

Flyers--Christa and I taped flyers to our shirts and lots of people were interested. I ran up and down the hill with two kindergarteners a couple times while eating a cherry icee. Several people picked up flyers with serious interest. The second day that I was at the school after school, a Muslim mother approached me and asked me to give her some registration forms. (so excited--she's bringing four kids into the program!!)

And then there were other things that I was up to Worship Practice and Worship team, on Sunday.
Food pantry-- which was outside today because of the graduation at Flushing Christian School.
Seeker's picnic---later on Saturday, we went to the picnic for all the Christian high school Seekers groups, and handed out flyers for those that might be interested in volunteering for the program. Our volunteer training starts tonight! Pray that there are enough volunteers--the amount of kids that we have signed up for the program is rising and rising--we have close to twenty, ang might have even more because people are still interested.

The Shack--Lily lent me this book to read, and I've been working through it. I'm almost done, and it's been really challenging in some areas. One phrase that Papa said that struck me was, "Do you see God when you think about your future?" And I realized that sometimes I do, in the aspect of where I want Him to lead me, but sometimes, when I look at bleak things, like money, or ever getting through college and finally having a degree, I don't let Him in. So I've been working to let him in, and now I have peace about those things.

Prayer requests and Praises
--volunteers for the program. We have kids, not we need people to help us!
--rest--we are starting to reshuffle our sleeping schedules, and getting up to pray at 6:30 in the morning.
--Praise that my school financial stuff doesn't seem so bleak!
--Praise that the Schools are finally ending and this program is kicking off.

1 comment:

  1. The Shack is really powerful. I love how God is portrayed in different ethnicities. That felt comforting to me. Something that has been encouraging me lately is to think that when I struggle and cry, God sees my tears and feels sad, too. He is connected and relevant to my life.
