Saturday, November 14, 2015

November: update of sorts

It's amazing the personalities that are coming forth from my kids!

Yonah listens. That's a contrast from Naisa. He picks up the food he throws on the floor (when I ask him to), he throws his diaper away, he picks up toys.

Naisa asks for "black" beans -specifically-, for dinner. Then she refuses to swallow, chewing the same bite for an hour and a half, before we force her to go to bed with a spanking.

At least she is pooping in the potty (a couple times a day!) now.

We finally have bananas in the house again, so we can feed the children on command and not have to prepare something for every snack time. I get exhausted from that. Especially when snack time is an hour after a meal.

Ben has accepted a sales position at a local small printing company about an house from our apartment. We are looking forward to it (The employers are especially! Exclamation points in the emails and a phone call the next morning ready to get things set up (does he want to have an email that says "ben" or "Benjamen"? Does he want to have a company car (YESYEYSYES) or use his own vehicle)

The first day he starts there is also a Christmas party which we are going to attend. I am very excited, because I think this is going to be a really good fit!

Ben recently had a minor surgery to cut out a sebaceous cyst out of his side, and we are still recovering from the bills that are being sent our way (and Ben is healing fine). It is also good that the hospital that was used has a financial assistance program, even for people who are well above the poverty line!

We also decided on a new health sharing insurance, called Medi-share, through It is for Ben and I because the children are still eligible for the State assistance.

I am excited for the Christmas season!!

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