Due to the nature of every item being relocated several times a day, and mycleaning several times a day, I get weary. Very weary of putting things back for the twelfth time. And telling Naisa not to play with something for the fourteenth time. It's exhausting. And when she doesn't listen, I get too tired of the fits she has because she's is angry because she said she didn't want to eat. Then I have to fight her to take any bite, let alone Naisa taking her own bite with the utensil herself! She gets timeouts in her bed a couple times a day, and I really encourage nap time earlier than later.
There have been a couple times I haven't replaced things in their original places after Naisa has relocat them. Unfortunately, both of these things were favorite DVDs. For the life of me, I cannot find where they are in the room! I have looked everywhere! Several times, at least once a day for the past week and a half, I have looked for the lost dvd. And the the second one went missing! All because naisa couldn't stop playing with them!
But it drives me insane! There are onlY so many places that you can look for things In a room the size of a master bedroom. Both surfs up and blues clues have disappeared. I know we are going to find the. The day we move out and i am going to be so mad!
This concludes Sanity Busters: Small Room edition
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