With the amount of stuff that we have, the small space we have, and the overactive Naisa's need to touch and move everything that is at her level, we have a constant pile of things all over the room (because that is what we have--a room. Naisa (thank goodness!) has a little curtain that we can close off from the room (she's in the "closet") and Yonah will sleep adequately once he's asleep and and noise levels are kept at a level pace.
I clean up everything approximately twice a day, once around nap time and once around bed time. I have removed the potty from Naisa's level because she screams "NO!NO!NO!" and takes the bowl out from under the seat, and makes a mess of it. There's no place for the toys besides Naisa's bed and she can't reach them unless I get them for her, and it's extra work for me to be Naisa's servant. And not really my style. She needs to be independent.
It's much more challenging to wash dishes in a room when your children are sleeping...right next to the the kitchen. So I have to put dishes off until morning, which is a little unwise due to the reviews I read about this extended stay having issues with cockroaches. . . so I need a better plan for that.
Yonah is starting to grab at things, and I think he needs some soft stuffed chewing toys (mom? wanna makes something?). He's starting to lift his hips up and scoot backwards (he not five months yet!), and so we have to watch where we place him and what's around him now that he's moving and grabbing and we're in a unsatisfactory extended stay.
OK. that's all I can think about right now because I'm watching 7th heaven at the same time and Yonah's got a poopy diaper!
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