Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goals for the New Year!

When I was in high school, I made goal lists every season, and hung them on my wall. Whether or not I completed them, it was a good reminder to keep on growing and learning.  Then I stopped doing that, and through college I just kept my goals just in my head. Get at least a B in Chemistry and Biology. Try to exercise a couple times a week. Run more. Play piano and write every day.

In one of my social work classes we learned that goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and within a time restraint.

To be realistic, I am not setting 100 goals, but only setting a few: one for each specific area in my life.

Spiritual: Get into God's word every day. No matter how little, just do it. And pray. Pray with music or while nursing the baby.

Musical/Mental: Once I get the piano, play at couple times a week at least.

Physical: Do a T-Tapp workout 3-5 times a week. Dry brush almost everyday. Fit comfortably in my pre Naisa pregnancy clothes by the end of the year.

Fertile: Take temperature each morning and monitor signs of ovulation.

Creative/Emotional: Be creative weekly, whether through song writing, knitting, baking projects, writing. Grow as much of a garden we can this year!

Naisa: Keep teaching letters, move on to sounds and then words when she's ready. Establish a regular play date if I don't get a babysitting job. Potty train. 

Yonah: Nurse the whole year! Start working on solids when he can sit up and grab.

Husband: Do something just for us everyday. Either work on finding a Bible study we both like, playing games, or just talking.

What are your goals for the year?

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