Wednesday, October 29, 2014

One-Room-Quiet Acrobatics

The past few nights Ben hasn't slept well and so he tries to get as much sleep as possible in the morning. This worked fine when we had a two bedroom apartment, and a two bedroom carriage house bed and breakfast but it is much more challenging in a one room hotel room.

Yonah woke up at 6:41am, which is fine for me, but isn't good for Ben who needed the extra sleep. So I nursed Yonah, and then tried to keep him quiet, but that's among one of the most impossible things to do. Babies squeal and don't respond to "shhh!", so I let him talk, albeit as minimal as I could.

Then Naisa woke up and although she can be quiet while she's in her bed, normally waking up in the morning means getting to make noise. So naturally Ben was awake. Naisa started fussing for her milk, right while I was changing Yonah's diaper (which has become a wiggly process that takes longer than it used to), and tension rose some.

So I ended up getting Yonah bounced back to sleep at 8:00 and Naisa had a banana and some milk while in bed, and she's doing an okay job of being quiet. It's just a challenge because it makes Ben and me frustrated at each other. That's challenging for me because I want to spend time with Ben and enjoy that time, but instead either he's irritated at me or I'm irritated at him or I'm irritated because Yonah and Naisa has been driving me bonkers all day. And I just want some adult time and talk to an adult.

Now Naisa's diaper and pants (and bed) were wet so out of the bed she comes. It's 8:30 and Ben's alarm is going off and he's still not getting up, so I have to continue to keep her quiet (not an easy process with a two year old). I gave her a some almonds and some water. So far she's wuiet, but it's a limited moment. Soon she'll be loud though, because being out of her bed means she can make noise... and Yonah and Ben are still sleeping/trying to sleep.

This... is my morning.

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