Sunday, September 16, 2012

how Grace, Ben, and belly are doing

This picture, taken by Issac (Han Park), one of Ben's friends, shows me and Ben (and other Ben) at church today. In case you were wondering, I did not, in fact, seemingly eat the entire chocolate cake that happens to be sitting in front of me. I just cleaned off the icing. And I'm holding my hands like that because they were sticky. :)
We're ready to go! Ready for meeting our baby! Ready for the labor to start (and then will be ready for it to end!) and just want to have an idea of when rather than a "maybe" or "perhaps".

And I'm ready to lose some weight! This morning I washed dishes, swept the kitchen, organized the bag pile, killed a cricket, and almost fell off my rocker trying to get the other one (which still prevails in the kitchen). Does that count as an energy burst of "nesting" before the baby comes? And I made a list of things that we still need to do before the baby comes. Lol. Ready to go!

I feel like a chunk with a big uterus knot (when i get a braxton-hicks contraction) and I'm ready for the big uterus knot to be emptied so my arms can be filled!

1 comment:

  1. In the last week I've seen my neighbor pregnant and then held her precious little girl! It's incredible that she was inside her all along!
