Saturday, September 22, 2012


This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the cricket. It only has to do with the baby still residing in Hotel Mom. Don't worry, delpling, Mommy is patient. But come out soon! We want to meet you! (this pic was 40 weeks and five days.)
Maybe a week ago, I was determined to kill the cricket that had been singing in our kitchen. It was loud at 2-9am, churping to it's delight and destroying my patience and several hours of sleep (when I move to the couch because it becomes more comfortable than the bed in the early morning hours.)

So I moved the island out of the kitchen (and it lost TWO wheels in the process!, which I had to have Ben help me put back on because I couldn't do it by myself (pregnant women can only kill crickets)).
And used a knife to get in the crack between this bizarre platform that resides over the sump pump in our kitchen (yes, our former utility closet kitchen) and the wall. Then this large sized cricket(larger than the ones we'd been catching around the house because it had been feeding delightfully on dirt and crumbs of cellulose with no predator (that it knew of muhahaha)), hopped out of the crack and I made a loud grunting noise of SUCCESS! as I slammed my hand upon it.
Dead cricket #1.

I was so ecstatic, I partied for about fifteen minutes until I heard MORE churping! There was another (arrgh!) cricket still in the kitchen. It was with that I had a bad morning (not enough sleep, my efforts seemed in vain) and (I think) said "screw it!" to the whole process.

Fast forward to today.
I slept out on the couch again for the last four hours of my night, and wasn't awoken until 7:15 by said churping cricket. I had been stalking this nemesis for the past few days, but had not succeeded in seeing it. Then geared up with my headlamp and a flyswatter, I lifted the awkward platform and propped it up with a muffin tin, and continued my searching. I discovered it was residing under the removable flooring (again, to cover the sump pump in the kitchen). So I had to move the island again (which lost another wheel. jerk head), and moved the floor. And I saw it!

Dead cricket. Sorry for those who might find it a little gruesome.
From there, I made it hop out with a few nudges of the fly swatter and then WHAM!!!! WHAM. Got it (actually got it the first time. second time was for emphasis).


We now have a beautifully serene kitchen to be in, with the gentle sounds of the outdoors, outdoors.


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