Monday, September 24, 2012

41 weeks. . . perhaps this week?

Our sweet baby has not made its entrance yet. . .

Hopefully this week will be the chosen one, otherwise we get to start doing fun things like castor oil (google it if you don't know), and continue hearing the "I" word from well-meaning acquaintances who don't know our desire for a natural out of hospital birth--induction.

I have my reasons for not wanting to be induced--my body was made to deliver this baby, this labor will start when it needs to! There is a much higher chance of fetal distress when the mom is induced because those contractions are stronger than the ones that the mom's body would produce. I don't want drugs, I don't want strange things. I just want to welcome our alert, fat baby into the world!!! And let other people hold it for a little while.

And have bladder space, and flexibility, and not-swollen hands/feet, running, seeing my feet, and lose water weight/weight in general, and have a baby in my arms, still being nurtured by me (but no longer needing to pass through my pelvis), and getting to use the cute diapers we bought for it!

When the time comes that some of your maternity clothes no longer fit, it is a sign that the baby should come soon. This happened yesterday while I was getting ready for church. Granted, these maternity clothes were not the stretchy ones (those could fit me if I was doubly pregnant!).

And now for a round of "Where's Grace's Belly? There it is!"

On the left, you will see me sucking in my belly. This is how I plan to go to the grocery store today and avoid the leering eyes and questions (not that it will be successful. This belly helps me win races, its so big). Middle is a normal shot. How I look normally, today. And on the right, you'll see a very nice extension of regular--the I'm carrying twins who weigh 8 pounds each belly (lol).

Yes, I somehow have retained my abdominal muscles. 

But really, I know my belly isn't that big. My favorite is the one on the far right because I look ridiculous.  (and they are all ridiculous because they are taken with a cell phone in a mirror. But at least it's for educational purposes. . . ;) )

Love you all! Pray for me and this baby that I'll have patience, emotional endurance, and that the baby will come out at its healthiest point!

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