Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Pregnancy #3: 30 week update

Besides most family voting that I am having a girl this time (and myself.. I can sleep through the night most nights without a snack, and I am not eating humungous portions! But we may be surprised!), reaching thirty weeks has helped me realize something--how much exercise has SERIOUSLY made a difference. From everything I did from the time Yonah was born to everything I have done so far during this pregnancy, I am stronger, recovering quicker, and I am not complaining about a single thing about this pregnancy.

Random factoids of being 30 weeks:
Sleep is ok most of the time, and good some of the time.
I do not have heartburn (though I didn't have it with my other two) .
I do not have any swelling (I definitely had this with my other two!).
I am losing my belly button (significantly more than I even have).
I can see my oblique lines on either side of my belly (this has never happened).
The other day at the store when I was fetching my shopping cart I accidentally knocked it over (there was nothing in it).. when I realized that it had fallen over, I said "oops!" and then picked it up... with one arm. I think that perhaps the employee walking over to help me with the cart was a bit surprised.
I continue to do twenty-minute to thirty-minute workouts (T-tapp only. I had been walking, but it got hot and I got out of the routine.) on an almost daily basis.
I eat LOTS of eggs (courtesy of my friend Shelah's happy healthy chickens), but I don't have meat every day.
I am still teaching 2 hours of English every week (so I get up early two days a week).
I find myself on my feet for several hours a day doing various tasks (main task: keeping my husband fed!)
I don't "feel" pregnant (uncomfortable, fatigued, heavy, annoyed at everything) most of the day... when we have a hot day, I reach that point a little sooner, and really appreciate that we have an efficient air conditioner for sleeping!
I have gained weight! In essence, my body has grown a 3.5lb-ish human so far! Baby will be packing it on in the next two months (and hopefully I don't! LOL), but it will be ok if I gain some more weight. Because I AM eating healthy. I am exercising and hydrating. I am doing self-care.
I have an appointment today. Looking forward to it!

And there is something VERY exciting in the works for the beginning of August!

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