Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Time at the in-laws and tornado dreams

We've been at my inlaws for the past five days.

I'm getting anxious about the food rotting in my kitchen. We were only supposed to be here a couple days and then go back home, but we had a wedding on Saturday and Ben had to get the oil changed on Monday and then they didn't want us to drive at night.


When we stay here, I actually feel like i have less me-time even though everyone takes turns watching the kids. It's a bigger place, so there are more things for them to get into, including toilet paper, pulling plugs, and coasters. And because there are other people around most of the time, I feel more self conscious about exercising, although I do do it anyway. But when you do a precocious exercise program (hello Jog Rocks!), you feel a little silly doing the movements in the middle of the living room while your father in law is watching the news on the TV in the kitchen. Luckily he does his own precocious exercises to strengthen his back for his work.

Last night, Yonah woke up at two thirty to nurse and then was moaning very loudly and not going back to sleep, so I could not sleep (he shares a room with Ben and I when we are here) and after forty minutes of him moaning and me attempting to rock him back to sleep and that not working, we came downstairs to have a snack and play a little bit. Then I nursed him again, and put him back to bed... by then it was four and I had realistic dreams about tornadoes hitting our apartment.

Oh the tornado dreams. Again and again they come. And I can never move fast enough (it's like walking through water when you try to run in your dreams) to get to the safe places that I have situated in my mind for when a tornado would come.

I can always see it in the distance and then I yell to who ever is in my dream (this time it was Harriet, my neighbor who lives below us) that I see a tornado and we need to get into the basement (which hypothetically exists, although I have never been down there... there is a door in the floor in the stoarage area that I know leads to somewhere. ... I need to get batteries for my headlamp and find out where!

And in my dream I felt the wind push me into a corner and then lift me up off the groundin the corner, and the whole time I was thinking, just don't take me away into the tornado!

And then the wind would subside and I would be on the ground again.

And then I would wake up.

I wonder about the re occurrence of the tornado dreams sometimes. Why is it the only natural disaster that happens in my dreams? I wasn't even thinking about tornadoes that day, so somewhere in my subconscious is this fear of tornadoes that comes up.


We finally came home, leaving around one and getting home around 2:30. I'm ready for routine at home again. And I had to throw out a pot of beans that I had set out to soak while we were gone because they sprouted and got moldy. And three eggplants, some chard, and some grains that had been in there too long. And the peppers that got moldy on the counter. But now all is (mostly) better.

I am done with my antibiotics now. So I really have to be intentional about getting probiotics in my system and taking immune supports this winter. Bring on the daily garlic!

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