Friday, October 16, 2015

I miss Brookhaven: an ode to my birth experiences

It's been over a year since I was last at Brookhaven, the birthcenter where I gave birth to both Yonah and Naisa.

Just to clarify, I don't miss being pregnant. Not at this moment!

However, I do miss the welcome place to talk and talk and talk about my baby and my pregnancy and the openness to natural paradigms instead of mainstream.
I miss the nonjudgmental approach with which every issue was approached.
I loved how I looked forward to the visits instead of approaching appointments with anxiety.

I loved how labor was "chill" because I wanted it to be. No unnecessary exams, no constant monitoring, just me and my husband doing our thing until my water broke and things picked up. But then, it was only a Doppler checking heart rate. I pushed the baby out. I held my child when they were still beautifully covered with vernix and amniotic fluid. I got to sit in the tub as long as I wanted. The baby's cord could stay attached to the placenta as long as I liked.

There was always so much love from the midwives after the birth. They know it's hard. Not only have they been through hundreds of postpartum experiences with other women, these ladies have experienced it first hand with their own babies. They stopped by our home a couple extra times because baby had a little jaundice and I needed more observation on breastfeeding. They were just a text or phone call away all the time. Even after my six week postpartum, I could text them!

We (my husband and I) developed a real love and trust with our midwives at Brookhaven, and I am so blessed to have delivered with these ladies.

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