I'm back on facebook.
But getting back on facebook means I see things I don't always want to see.
I follow a page called Stories Untold about sexual abuse survivors. This topic has always striked a chord in my heart, but the most recent post has made me rethink whether or not to continue to follow.
I am a mother so I always have a part of my mind preparing for the worst situation. How to get out, what we need, how do I protect?
So when I read a story about a four year old getting sexually abused at a birthday party by the host's father, I get anxious.
THere are so many unknowns in this situation. No one could have known that was going to happen. It makes me want to stay by my own children at all times. It is a fear inducer, but it is also a great reminder to be very knowledgeable about the people that we allow near our chidren.
The solution to my fear is to build relationships with people and observe them. Watch how they interact with other kids, watch how they interact with my child. Prepare my child. Protect by preparing.
And number one: pray. Pray for safety in the future. and trust God to show how to protect and provide safety in every situation.
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