Sunday, October 31, 2010

Suicide=Beauty Destroyed

I saw a post on Facebook a couple of days ago that really made me feel. In my high school's hometown, a freshman had committed suicide. A girl who was fourteen years old hung herself. I cannot take the emotion. Where were her friends? Why couldn't she share with them what was going on inside? Where were the adults in her life to mentor her and love her? Where was God in this?

All I could see when I went to the Memorial group that was created for her as she Rests In Peace, was such a beautiful girl. Why could she not see it? Was she too focused on what other people would say to her to get that she was beautiful in the way that she carried herself, in the way that she was unique to this planet?

Why does it seem like high school is the place that makes us all conform to this heart breaking lifestyle of beauty? Why do girls wake up every morning and spend an hour grooming, and more time later, just so they look good, just so that they can get the second glance, or look like the photoshopped girl in the magazine. Why do girls have to starve themselves to feel like they are thin enough to be dated by those high school boys whose hormones and environmental shaping only make them think that the skinnier the better, the bigger breasts the better, the bigger, shinier hair the better?

Why don't girls make themselves displays of their hearts instead, displays of who they are in their innermost thoughts, letting their fears, and vulnerabilities slip away. Why can't we tell the world that what we see that is different inside is a blessing not a curse? It took, and continues to take time--years--for me to accept myself, and I didn't even have it the worst.

Suicide is a permanent end to a temporary problem. What we see as imperfections now isn't, but we don't bloom to see it until it's too late, we've already made the decision to let go and screw the world. People who try to commit suicide and then choose not to at the end have a long way to go, but they will reach happiness with who they are what they have.

God, may you give this beauty's family peace in this time as they struggle to find it. Hold them all close to you. May we as your people, not be blind to those with pain, and be able to serve them as they need us. Let it be so.

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