Thursday, October 14, 2010

Perfect (1)

We think of things that we have that aren't perfect, making the world a negative trunk with occasional bump of positivity. We can paint this painting of perfection, but we cannot attain it. It is only something that we look upon and wish that we can be. In physical images, women reach for the perfection of beauty, a beauty designed by advertisements, Photoshop, and makeup. This drive for perfection pokes bones through skin, and causes fear and hate. It creates a dread to stare at the image that is created in a reflection, it creates criticism of every cell that defaces the smoothness of perfect. It creates 'ugly.'
I just want to grab this beauty and wring it's neck. Just as perfect love should cast out fear, perfect beauty should cast out ugly. There is nothing that makes this image rotten. Instead of looking in the mirror and seeing all that is imperfect, don't look for imperfection. Look at perfection. Look at what already exists. God created each of us perfect in His image. That image is unique in each of us. God shines differently in each of us. He's so diverse, he would create people big and small, with slight facial features, and sharp ones, with tiny eyes, with big ones. You are perfect. Accept that perfection. Accept that no one has the perfection that you have. If you try to be someone else, of course you are going to feel imperfect--you cannot become them. And if you try, you will continue to feel like you will never reach that point. Because you won't-- you can't.
I want you to remove the word ugly from your vocabulary. It is lethal for your health. Every time I say the word ugly, it connotates to not wanted, unloved, broken, useless. If we call our bodies ugly, we don't want them. We instead want someone else's, and we can't have theirs. If we want the ideal body, whose body are we stealing to replace ours?
What is 'ugly'?
Is 'ugly' not putting on makeup in the morning?
Is 'ugly' not having enough time to exercise?
Is 'ugly' feeling inadequate and incapable?
Whatever ugly means to you, whether it's a weakness or a feeling of failure in a reflection, free that feeling. Put it out in the open. Then, do the unthinkable. Take that ugly thing, and call it beautiful. Not the beauty that society creates. That beauty doesn't exist anymore. It has no substance. Though the media surrounds you, it is NOT you. You cannot become the media. You cannot be created by the media. You create yourself. And what you create of yourself is beautiful. Every part that is unique, and worth something. It is part of the whole of you. It is loved by God and should be loved by you. You need it and you want it. Your body is what your body is.
What's to make better when there's nothing wrong with you?
Perfection is looking at your reflection and realizing that you aren't being deceived by society's lies anymore.

1 comment:

  1. the word ugly... and how about the word pretty?

    you're beautiful.
    :) Ruth
