I have some quiet time right now, because Naisa is having quiet time in her room--she didn't go to bed at seven last night. Or eight. She went to bed at nine. So she's a crank today. This is her third 'naptime' of the day.
I am drinking lots of pregnancy tea, browsing the internet, and not doing the dishes (it interferes with the naptime!)
The pregnancy tea has helped with the swelling!! For about a week I was getting swollen ankles and feet at the end of the day, pretty badly, and it made moving unhappy. (Generally, moving is unhappy right now, but I have to, so I do). But I started drinking the tea again (no particular reason, besides that it was a good idea), and I have seen a great difference for my legs, my comfort level, and it's good to know.
I made peace with my swelling last week... but now I don't have the swelling. :)
I also got a new dry brush for my birthday (Thank you Ben's parents!). It's stiffer than the one I was using because it's natural fibers, but I like it a lot and plan to use it often once the baby comes (it helps your skin bounce back!).
So I have also been dry brushing in the morning when I wake up! I hope I can keep up with it. I am notorious for having half-habits. Except for taking my vitamin.
I have a couple funny stories from this week.
Naisa emptied my wallet, unbeknownst to me, and I didn't see until she was completely done playing with it and it was just sitting on the ground. (I had placed my wallet in the formerly safe place of the top of the piano). I put all the cards back in and checked to see if any were missing. . . and one important one was... my driver's license!
Since she emptied them all right by the toy box, I put it upon myself to empty and sort through the toy and book box while two toddlers became VERY interested in every toy I was touching... And after a half an hour of searching, I had no luck. Thinking about the $40 (or $20, not sure) price of replacing a driver's license, I continued searching, and finally, as a last resort, I asked Naisa (almost 20 months ~ 1.5 years) "Naisa, find Mommy's card."
Naisa promptly responded, "out" and pointed toward the door to our porch. Figuring that she remembered (because she has a great memory) where she put it, I opened the door to the porch to see the card on the mulch just outside of the porch.
It was a weird morning.
Then today.
I had an ice cream bucket full of compost from last year (think April 2013) that I had left decomposing because I wanted to use it for the garden. Well, today, while playing on the porch, Lily opened the bucket and dumped it's contents out on the porch, then promptly burst into tears. I carried her into the kitchen to wash her feet off (thank goodness nothing on her white (white!) pants). Then I had to dump several buckets of water on the porch to remove the compost and keep the babies from going back outside and keep the liver from burning. It was a hassle.
We had our midwife appointment on Tuesday evening. It was uneventful, just a quick check on the baby, check on the belly. The baby is doing great, still relaxing head down, lots of kicks, and my uterus is measuring 39 weeks, approximately 4.5 weeks "ahead". But it's just one.
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