Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day One, Round Two :)

I should read through last year's blog about the first day at EMU. I can guarantee that though I may not have said it, I was intimidated and slightly scared. It's definitely bizarre to think that I'm starting to feel like I've got the hang of EMU, and there isn't anything, really, that surprises me. If I redid last year, I would have not take all these science classes right away. I would have taken things that sounded fun and interesting, not efficient, and I would have not declared my major right away, so to not feel like I was going to explode. I would have tried to do a fun work study job, like being a barista at Common Grounds. I would have been more involved in clubs.

So now I'm starting my second year at EMU, slightly more complicated than I want it to be--with a senior status and explaining myself, and living off campus--I'm starting to feel at home here in the basement of my grandparent's house. Although I have not decorated yet, I know that it's somewhere in the days ahead. I have some assignments of reading that I would like to get to, but it's important to realize where I am with things first, I think.

I got distracted in the morning from having contact with people, and left a little late for my walk over to EMU. Luckily, Social Stratification, my first class, was located in the library, and the closest building to my grandparent's house. I arrived while they were taking attendance, so I was not late. I knew a couple people in the room, two who would have been hall mates, and one who I have connections in NY with. The seventy-five minutes sped by, as we were learning about social inequality, learned in by two Youtube clips, and then everyone presenting from their own small group discussions about the things that were a part of the second clip. Then I had my break for lunch. I had packed my lunch, and was afraid that there would be no one to sit with to eat, when I saw a friend from my days of Biology in the same place. I sat, ate, and talked with her while we had our break. That was a blessing. I went to go wash out my dishes, and I saw my aunt, who works in the human resources department. I gave her a hug, and she told me that great grandpa Engle had just passed away this morning. He was ninety-seven.
That was news, but as time had passed earlier this year, there was a sense that it was going to happen soon, and so it wasn't a great surprise.

I located the classroom for my second class of the day, and then attended it. Race and Gender sounds very interesting, and I cannot wait to see where this class goes. We have some fun assignments ahead of us. I sat with Sanj, Rose (who I had met in Jess' apartment), Jamila, and a girl that was in the Social Work line when I was getting the signature for changing my major. The class discussion was very interesting. It was similar to how the first class started also. The teacher wanted to see where we were within the subject. There were several people in the class that were also in my first one of the day.

After that, I located Monica and located her dorm, and we spent time together until dinner time. I ate some of her peanut butter and almonds, so I wasn't hungry right away when I came home for supper. But I had to walk up the hill to get my bike and figure out what I was going to leave at Anna's apartment so I wouldn't be staggering up hills on my bike. I had just gotten my Jazz book of songs, and I brought the texts I needed to do today's homework.

The biking is starting to get easier. I feel like I need to run though, so that I can get in shape that way too, and have training all around. Hopefully Ellie and I can start running after we get our routines going. I might have to move my running time to a different one than hers for some of the week.

As far as classes go, these have to be the most interesting classes I have taken, and we've barely gotten past the syllabi.

It's nice to live with people who don't criticize my every move, and I feel comfortable with. Yay grandparents!

I still need to get a lock for my bike. Crap.

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