Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Typical Morning in the Life of the Minions

When I say minions, I mean my *almost* three year old and my fourteen month old.

6:30am my children wake up, and the moment I enter their room, they begin demanding smoothies.

I live to serve, so I make them smoothies. milk kefir, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, frozen banana, and coconut oil.

They chug them, and occasionally take breaks to scream about things.

Naisa is not sharing the babies. or the cars. or the books. or the kids hair brushes.

Then there is more screaming.

Naisa goes to the bathroom, but leave the door open, so I have to sprint to get Yonah before he causes an upheaval between Naisa and the toilet paper. It's a danger zone.

Then Naisa wants to poop, but only in a diaper and I want her to be done with diapers, so there is more screaming and crying, and me getting frustrated because she won't stop screaming while I try to explain that she is a big girl and not 'baby Naisa' and she needs to use the potty like mommy and daddy and not like baby Yonah.

I find myself making myself a smoothie with more screaming in the background. The iPhone didn't charge last night so there is no white noise for my husband to keep sleeping. When he gets up, he looks confused by the mornings screaming.

He eats cold oatmeal out the fridge and goes to ladle broth out of the crockpot and then goes to the sink and says, "I think I got all fat." and then spoons said fat into the sink.

I get mad and tell him to put it in a clear cup so he can see the fat line and he doesn't listen and keeps pouring fat into the now-greasy sink.

During this same time, I have found a movie on youtube call the Poop Song for two year olds and we are watching it over and over to get Naisa to get the idea.

I now have the poop song stuck in my head on repeat.

I make his lunch and feed Yonah cheese while he showers. Naisa begs to take a bath and I tell her she has to wait (did I mention waiting is hard for Naisa?)

We sit in the rocking chair and rock and snuggle and I tell her how much I love her and she says,"Yonah needs to be loved."
I say, "I love Yonah a lot, so I am giving you some love."
Naisa stops and thinks, "I love Yonah."

Yonah is very polite. When I hand him his smoothie cup later, he says an audible, "Thank you." That's pretty good, considering most of his words only make sense to him.

Naisa has now thrown all the toys across the room, hitting me and Yonah at least once.

There are now frustrated noises coming from Yonah, and I suspect he needs his morning nap.

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